The Full Story
To purchase eggs from Schaub Family Farm, email us at
We can arrange a time for you to pick up the eggs.
$6/dozen for chicken eggs
$8/dozen for duck eggs

Happy Eggs is the best description for what we raised. Our chickens are housed in an Egg Mobile (our old camper converted to a moveable chicken coop). The door is open and not a single fence prevents the chickens from foraging through our pasture. Grass, soil, insects, cow's all there for the birds to scratch through, thus forming the richest, orange yolks with the highest amount of nutritional value.
You can see the difference. A happy egg has a firm yolk that, if you pick it up with your fingers, will not break easily. Eggs from commercial growers have flat, pale yolks with less nutritional value. Eggs with richer yolks make baked goods rise more and the taste is second to none!